Commercial premises on Carretera Carmona, an unbeatable location in Seville surrounded by homes, shops, schools, means of transport, banks, pharmacies and everything you can imagine in a central street of the city.
The place is in very good condition as it has been renovated for months, making it even more attractive if possible.
It is surrounded by gardens, pavement and parking lots, in addition to belonging to an area in which there are thousands of homes, it is also considered a transit area for schools, medical centers among other positive characteristics.
Local with the possibility of great profitability from the first minute, due to its low cost and high demand by area and type.
Real estate agency fees, taxes (Property Transfer Tax, VAT or A.J.D., if applicable), other expenses of the sale (land registry fees, notary, agency or possible financing). D.I.A. document available to the consumer according to Decree 218/2005 Junta de Andalucía.
Property Features
Type of OperationFor sale
Type of propertyBusiness
Zone / CityLeón XIII / Sevilla
Net Internal Area26 m2
Built Surface31 m2
Year built1981
Total Plot Size31 m2
Exterior typeExternal
FacadeVisible brick
Type of FloorPorcelain
Air Conditioning
Energy Efficiency Rating
Energy Consumption kWh/m2 Year
Consumer Kg CO2/m2 Year
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